about us

Meet Our


A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone.

— Sundar Pichai

Our Culture

We sincerely believe that a company’s biggest asset is its employees. To make our workplace as employee-friendly as possible, we practice flat hierarchy, a management style that gets everyone involved, enabling the highest form of collaboration and seamless communication. Such a working environment helps us ensure that the employees can maintain a proper work-life balance. Another factor that is critical to our workplace is diversity. We are fortunate to have people from different backgrounds who have contributed to our organization in the best ways possible. Having a diverse workforce has constantly encouraged us to reinvent ourselves so that our business can do justice to the ever-evolving multicultural marketplace.

our culture
our culture

Our Work

At AmazeDeals.com, our objective is to make comparison shopping effortless. Our team has researched thousands of retailers to get you the best prices on a single platform. In a nutshell, now you don’t have to keep scouring the Internet forever just to find a deal that fits the wallet. We gather and list down offers for a variety of product categories including clothing, beauty, home and garden, technology, and automobile.

While you are checking out deals on AmazeDeals.com, do check out our latest blogs to stay updated with the recent industry trends and news.

our work
our work